Type 4 Expansion Solutions

The Type 4 expansion joints below have proven use in major projects around the world. They offer a variety of features to match your requirements such as: chemical resistance, watertight seals, UV resistance, high abrasion resistance, fast curing, no priming, varying joint widths and easy to install options.

RAB are bridge and highway specialists with over 40 years of industry knowledge so if you don’t see exactly what you need, we can still help you to find the right solution.  We supply over 90 different joint types under the sectors of  Bridge and Highway, Architectural and Stadium and Parking so we cover most expansion requirements but custom options are also available. Please contact us for a quote or to discuss your requirements.

New guide and product range brochure coming soon!

Our expansion joint guide can help you find the right expansion joint system. Includes a handy 2 page checklist.

Download RAB Expansion Joint Guide

Our new product brochure presents images and key features for the complete 2024 expansion joint product range.

Download RAB Full Product Range

All Bridge Joints