High-Impact Elastomeric Concrete Material
Product Uses
To repair spalled gap edges in high load-bearing applications. The spalled concrete must be cut out using industry standards for concrete repair. Once the gap edge has been cut and cleaned, the self-leveling Emcrete can be poured to form an elastomeric gap edge that is more resistant to spalling and gap edge deterioration.
Elastomeric Concrete
To act as an elastomeric concrete where the possibility of spalling or cracking is a concern for standard concrete or where existing spalls or potholes in concrete roadways, runways, bridges etc. is required.
Encapsulate and Embed
To encapsulate and embed the punched flanges (wings) of the THERMAFLEX joint systems. In this role, EMCRETE acts to mechanically lock the flanges of the expansion joint to the deck while adhering to the concrete and creating a watertight seal. The cured nosing material acts to protect the joint edge and absorb suddenly applied vehicle loads.
Leveling and Dampening
As a leveling bed and sound dampening support of the coverplates of EMSEAL SJS Seismic Joint System. The SJS family of products from EMSEAL are coverplate systems secured to a precompressed foam and spline assembly. The coverplates ride on the deck surface. It is typical to form, cut or grind a shallow blockout on each side of the joint gap and fill this with Emcrete. This provides a surface that can be grinded to ensure that the coverplates do not rock and are fully supported over their entire contact area. Ensuring the plates are properly supported while absorbing the shocks of vehicular impact both contribute in attenuating sound.
Impact Absorbing
As an impact-absorbing header material behind the rails of EMSEAL FP systems. Migutan FP, DSM-FP, and SJS-FP are systems designed for installation in split-slab conditions. These systems install onto the structural slab and feature watertight integration with the split-slab waterproofing membrane through integral side flashing sheets supplied with the expansion joint system.
An elastomeric concrete nosing material, Emcrete is flexible, durable, and impact resistant. It is an extremely-low VOC product primarily used as a component of an expansion joint assembly either to fill blockouts on each side of an expansion joint gap, to repair a damaged expansion joint gap edge, as an impact-absorbing nosing, or as a fast-curing patching material for potholes or spalls on concrete roadways, parking surfaces, bridges, runways, etc.
Emcrete is comprised of a two-component polyurethane resin mixed with sand and chopped fiberglass aggregates. The sand imparts compressive strength. The fiber provides cross-linked reinforcement while, in combination with the sand, adds body to the polyurethane resin.