Residential Interior Wall Joints
Wabo®HSeal is a pre-compressed elastomeric coated expansion joint system designed to provide a permanent weather tight seal. Primarily used in horizontal applications, the system [...]
Wabo®FastWall is a durable and reliable interior wall system capable of accommodating both thermal and shear movement. The system is designed to be installed [...]
Wabo®CorridorWrap Wall
Wabo®CorridorWrap WC Series is a proven joint system with narrow sightlines that offers a choice of models, each of which consists of a variety [...]
Wabo®Contour II
Wabo®Contour II is a wall and ceiling expansion control system capable of following complex directional changes, as well as, integrating with a variety of [...]
Wabo SeismicWall Panel
Wabo®SeismicWallPanel is a unique expansion control system for interior and exterior walls designed to accommodate multi-directional movement. The system is easily installed and available [...]
Fire Rated Wall Movement Joint. 3-Hour Fire Rated, Watertight, Sound Dampening, Primary Seal for Interior and Exterior Wall Expansion Joints [...]
Emshield®Security Seal SSW2
Fire Rated Pick Resistant Wall Expansion Joint Designed to Resist Vandalism Uses Prisons, hospitals, detention centers, [...]
Emshield® DFR/WFR CE
CE Marked, EN-1366-4 Certified Movement Joint Uses Emshield WFR CE is designed to be used in [...]
Emseal QuietJoint®
An acoustic joint filler, QuietJoint® Product Highlights Mass-loaded acoustic seal (STC-53, OITC-38, ASTM E-90) Fire-resistant [...]
All Interior Wall
DSF System
NSF-61 compliant joint system for food production and preparation environments [...]
Emseal QuietJoint®
An acoustic joint filler, QuietJoint® Product [...]
Emshield® DFR/WFR CE
CE Marked, EN-1366-4 Certified Movement Joint Uses [...]
Emshield®Security Seal SSW2
Fire Rated Pick Resistant Wall Expansion Joint Designed to Resist Vandalism [...]
Fire Rated Wall Movement Joint. 3-Hour Fire Rated, Watertight, Sound Dampening, Primary Seal for [...]
Wabo SeismicWall Panel
Wabo®SeismicWallPanel is a unique expansion control system for interior and exterior walls designed to [...]
Wabo®Contour II
Wabo®Contour II is a wall and ceiling expansion control system capable of following complex [...]
Wabo®CorridorWrap Wall
Wabo®CorridorWrap WC Series is a proven joint system with narrow sightlines that offers a [...]
Wabo®CorridorWrap Wall (masonry)
Wabo®CorridorWrap WC Series is a proven joint system with narrow sightlines that offers a [...]
Wabo®FastWall is a durable and reliable interior wall system capable of accommodating both thermal [...]
Wabo®SeisMaxPlus Wall
Wabo®SeisMaxPlus blends its seismic functional features into an aesthetically pleasing “No-Bump” system that has [...]
Wabo®SeismicCover Interior
Wabo®SeismicCover is a wall and ceiling system designed to accommodate both thermal and multi-directional movement. [...]
Wabo®TwinSeam Wall
Wabo®TwinSeam is a durable interior wall system capable of accommodating thermal and seismic movement. [...]
Wabo®WeatherSeam Interior
Wabo®WeatherSeam is a weather tight seismic joint system for interior and exterior walls and [...]
When many other systems fail and the same problems keep recurring, RAB can be relied upon to recommend a system that will meet and often surpass expectation.
RAB has over 40 years experience in civil engineering projects from a broad range of industries so you can be sure that we have the knowledge to help you choose the right system for your projects. Choose from a wide range of world class interior and exterior expansion joint systems. As the sole UK distributor for Wabo® expansion joints we can offer you unrivalled choice and unrivalled support for even the most complex project.
Download our 16 page guide to help you choose the right expansion joint system. Includes a handy 2 page checklist.